A free API for the CBE Public Database to build your business apps on

Our goal is not to make money, but to make a simple web service that you can use to build something great ! That's why we created a generous free tier for everyone to use. You can do 2500 requests/day for free!

Building something needing easy access to the CBE Public Database ?

The CBE Public Database is a free and open source database of the Belgian Chamber of Commerce. It contains information about the companies and people of the Chamber of Commerce. The database is available for free to download, but it's not easy to use when building a business app.

We created this Webservice API to help you build your business apps on the CBE Public Database.

Start using the API


Believe it or not, we are not making money with this service.

Full access to the CBE Public Database

Search a company by name, VAT number, etc.

Results in French, Dutch and German

Up to 2500 requests/day.

Start using the API

Do you need more than 2500 requests/day for your app ?
Drop us an email at info@retinens.com and we will help you with that.